Robert Coons

Robert Coons presentation was truly time well spent. I find it rather odd as I am nearing the end of my college career that I’m finding the guest speakers coming into class being the most intriguing things I am experiencing from my entire college career. Don’t get me wrong, I have had plenty of guest speakers in the past, but I feel I was too naïve to appreciate them for what they were, new opportunities. Robert came into our class talking about his startup company, Scout Military. Rob hit on a lot of huge things such as how being an entrepreneur is not about the money, but rather about the rush of being challenged daily. I think the one think that really stuck with me from his presentation was about sacrifice, and how much commitment it is to be part of a startup. It was amazing to see where Rob started when he first joined into the company, and the boldness it took for him to make the necessary changes once he oversaw the company. It really showed the importance of standing by your choices, and really focusing on what is important, like listening to his users, instead of becoming distracted with the bigger things. It was refreshing to meet Rob as he was such a regular person who happened to be a CEO of a company, and he is living proof that when you run a company it doesn’t have to suck the joy out of your life or the things you enjoy doing as he still takes time to coach soccer and enjoy playing chess. 


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