to Dot.Bomb

The last thing I expected from this class was a history lesson of the Internet boom and bust that occurred in the 1990s to 2000s. It was still very interesting to hear about something that had happened while I was still a baby and unable to comprehend the things changing around me. I was born in 1991 and growing up have a vague memory of some of the companies we learned about from CompuServ to AOL and even Yahoo. I remember the countless amounts of AOL CDs that would be mailed to us and remember cutting the CDs into stars and pretending to be a ninja. However, seeing how all the events led to me turning AOL CDs into toys and hearing about Amazon's humble beginnings puts a lot of things into perceptive. I believe the biggest thing that caught me off guard was how Amazon came to be and what they had to overcome to become established as they are now. Having grown up in the technology boom it is hard for me to believe that the Internet was once seen as a fad that would disappear once the excitement about it died out. However we know that the Internet is here to stay. I believe the biggest thing is the gratitude I had gained from learning of how in the early 90s it was because of the big five companies, Prodigy, CompuServ, Genie, AOL, and Delphi were all part of developing the Internet into what it is today. Sadly one by one these companies faced their tragic end, and in class Professor Fry, compared these companies to the humble dinosaurs who were once giants that roamed the Earth untouchable at their respective time, but with the environment of the market changing so drastically as quickly as it did these companies faced their end just like how the dinosaurs faced their end once the asteroid hit the planet and changed the environment so drastically they were unable to adapt, and became extinct. All that now remains is the fossils that we hold in museums and stare at in awe, of a time that existed once upon a time ago. 


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